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Thursday, September 4, 2008

How To Lose Weight Effectively.

By Christopher West

Weight loss diet program with negative calorie foods to lose weight fast, and naturally. detailed weight loss guide, 3 Diet programs and over 150 recipes with negative calorie food ingredients are given. Weight loss is a combination of healthy diet and good exercise. You don’t have to be a fitness nut to lose weight, you just have to pay attention to what you are eating and doing throughout the day.

Weight loss occurs since most of the calories and nutrients are routed into the colon where they are not absorbed. This procedure is less frequently used than other types of surgery because of the high risk for nutritional deficiencies. Weight loss is not easy to do and can add to a student's stress level and is even harder when suffering from sleep deprivation. One must be very motivated, disciplined, patient, have a weight loss plan, be able to follow specific and realistic daily and weekly goals, and be honest with oneself. Weight loss isn't easy, so I hope to make a concerted effort to represent the often gritty, grimy parts of weight loss.

Weight loss is important but health and fitness is developed when you lose extra weight and also exercise to increase muscle and cardio abilities. Weight loss is a basic equation based on eating the right foods and doing the right exercises. The Icon Diet is designed from the ground up to take full advantage of this concept. Weight loss is often treated as a "quick fix" or short-term goal. Yet weight loss is a health and fitness issue, which is a lifestyle issue, one that is quite manageable if handled right.

Weight loss is typically recommended for people who are obese (BMI greater than or equal to 30) or those who are overweight (BMI of 25 to 29.9) and have two or more risk factors. Weight loss is extremely difficult when you feel like you are depriving yourself. Instead of being a positive and exciting experience, losing weight becomes a struggle against yourself. Weight loss is greatest for Group 3 (the group using the technology-based program continuously) and worst for Group 2 (the group using the technology-based program intermittently). In other words, technology used only intermittently as a weight loss measure is worse than just showing up for a standard weigh-in.

Exercise weight loss is something that remains a dream for many of us, although in fact it is quite easy to do. The important thing for weight loss is exercise Exercise keeps your body burning fat not just during your workout, but for hours afterward. Exercise is important, too. Not only does exercise burn calories both while you're doing it and afterward (by boosting your metabolic rate), it also helps curb your appetite.

Simply cutting out a can of soda or one sports drink can save you 150 calories or more each day. Drink water or other sugar-free drinks to quench your thirst and stay away from sugary juices and sodas.

Christopher West has been a internet marketer for 3 years. He hopes everyone enjoys his articles thanks.

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Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Should You Lose Weight

By Jackie Serta

Are you a woman? If you are and if you are like many other women, there is a good chance that you are concerned with your appearance. When it comes to appearance, there are many women who are concerned with their weight, namely the weight that they would like to shed or need to shed. Unfortunately, many women believe that they need to lose weight when they really don't. To determine if you should seriously think about losing weight, as it is an important issue, you may want to continue reading on.

When it comes to determining if you should lose weight, there are a number of important factors that you should consider. Since many women are concerned with their appearance and the way that they look, you may want to examine your appearance. Do you think that could benefit from a weight loss? If you are currently unhappy with the way that you look, it may be something to consider. Of course, it is also important to make sure that you don't lose too much weight, as it can be harmful to your health. For that reason, you may want to consult with your doctor to determine if weight loss is an issue that you should work on.

Speaking of consulting with your doctor, your doctor may have recommended that you lose weight, with their own fee will. If your doctor has suggested that you lose weight, it is advised that you take his or her suggestion into consideration. What many women fail to realize is that their healthcare professional isn't as concerned with their appearance as they are their health. So, if your doctor recommends that you lose weight, even just a little bit of weight, he or she may be concerned with your health and the possibility of you developing any weight related health complications.

The two above mentioned signs are two the most common signs that you may want to think about losing weight. Of course, it is important to remember that the decision to lose weight is yours to make, as it is an issue that you have to deal with. With that in mind, it is important to also remember that carrying around excess weight is more than just carrying around excess weight. There are many women who are constantly stressed out about or concerned with their appearance. If you would no longer like to spend every day in front of the mirror ashamed of your body or hiding your body from those and you know and love, it may be time to take action.

If you would like to lose weight, you may be pleased to know that you have a number of different options. Many women are able to develop their own weight loss plans, which often include a regular exercise plan, as well as eating healthy. You also have the option of joining a local weight loss program or an online weight loss program. These types of programs are nice, as you often get professional advice as well as support from group leaders and other weight loss program members.

As a reminder, it is advised that you take the time to speak with your physician, regarding your weight loss plans or goals. This is especially important if you plan on creating your own at-home weight loss plan. In addition to giving you the go-ahead, your physician may also offer you a few weight loss tips, tricks, and techniques, ones that you may find helpful.

To learn about what is obesity and children obesity, visit the Obesity Facts site.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How to Lose 10% Body Fat And Keep It Off For Good

By Jason Oh

Whether you want to reduce your body fat by 10% or more for a flatter stomach or for great abs, you need to eat right and have a properly designed workout to stimulate your fat burning hormones.

Without the 2 combinations, you just can't lose the body fat in a healthy manner. Hence the first step you need to do is, acknowledge that you need to get your nutrition in order, and then start working out.

Below are just some great tips on how to lose 10% body fat -

1. Get Real - Don't set unrealistic goals from the start. You can't expect to shed 10 pounds in a week - it's like training for a marathon from scratch one day and expect to run it the next. The best way to achieve your ultimate goal is to set a series of smaller, progressive goals, and reward yourself for achieving each one. Slow and steady is always the healthiest, and the most effective approach.

2. Be Aware of Trans Fat - We need healthy fat in our diet, but this is the worst kind of fat you should avoid. Trans fat is mainly found in liquid vegetable oils, and is used in spreads like margarine and cooking fats for deep frying and shortening for baking. Studies show that it increases the risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes, raises the bad cholesterol levels whilst lowering the good cholesterol, and increases your body fat.

3. Make meals more satisfying by including two to four portions of high protein foods (like poultry, fish, low fat dairy foods, beans, eggs and tofu) daily. But don't overdo it - eating more protein than you need won't help you lose weight faster. Comes down to eating in moderation.

4. Your Workouts need both consistency and variability for maximum results. Just workout once a month will not help much, but if you can get into a routine of 3 to 4 times a week, the results will pay off. And make sure the workouts are highly intensive and challenging.

5. Never Stop Challenging Your Body - Every week, mix it up - create new routine by varying the moves, the intensity, the number of reps and sets. No point to do hundreds of reps that a child can do - just make it worthwhile to work the body more. For your body to keep changing, your workouts have to keep changing too.

For More Fat Slashing Tips How to Lose 10% Body Fat, Visit The Truth About Six Pack Abs Now For a FREE eBook on "Training And Nutrition: Insider Secrets for a Lean Body" And Discover Fat Blasting Tips on How to Get Quick Abs

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Monday, June 23, 2008

Loose Weight Gain Self Confidence

By Ricky Hussey

The ECA stack is a drug combination that is mainly consumed for reducing weight and as well acts as a power booster. ECA is another name used for caffeine, ephedrine and aspirin. The major element in ECA for both fat burning and energy increment is ephedrine. Even though it is an efficient drug, but after combining it with caffeine makes it much more effective. When used cleverly it can to a great extent improve the pace of fat burning procedure.

Along with the fat burning process the diet pills will attempt to burn one's muscles. The best method to get rid of this is to take more and more of proteins. It is as well considered to reduce the hunger and help out in weight reduction. But, these effects only last for few weeks.

It acts as energy booster by directly affecting the brain and brain reacts to add to the discharge of noradrenalin. ECA stack is consumed 2 or 3 times every day with ephedrine, aspirin and caffeine ratio being 1:10:10 or 1:15:10. These proportions might differ from one user to other. In a single dosage the quantity of ephedrine must not go beyond 25 mg, caffeine must not go over 200 mg and aspirin must not go beyond 325 mg.

It is actually significant to make use of ephedra diet pills cleverly or wisely. Therefore prior to using any diet plan or consuming any diet supplements you ought to concern a doctor. Ephedrine is considered to be the most important element in the weight reduction medicines. Ephedrine is extracted from an herb called Ephedra. All the diet medicines having Ephedrine are relatively identified as Ephedra diet pills. However some of these drugs also have elements like aspirin and caffeine. Ephedrine is as well a suppressant which reduces hunger. As consuming weight reduction medicines has turn out to be the order of the day, the medicines containing ephedrine are put up for sale under a variety of brand names. A few of the well-known brands are Metabolife, MeTrim, Adiiphen, Thyro -slim and natural Trim and Lipodrene.

The diet pills must be used in control. The final purpose of these medicines is to assist in speeding the metabolism. Ephedra doesn’t act as a fat dissolver but it aids to burn the calories by raising the heartbeat rate and improving the circulation of blood all through the human body.

Femnutrition is one of the United States leading Diet Pills website. First established in June 2004, its mission is to become the number one site for ECA Stack searches.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stomach Exercises to Eliminate Belly Fat

By Janet Somer

Now that spring seems to finally be back in our lives, many people are concerned about losing those few extra pounds of chub which stand between them and a sculpted midriff. Those folks who let themselves go a little in the winter months may be working overtime now that it is April and thoughts of bikinis are dancing in their heads. The good news is that there are, of course, stomach exercises to speed along the process. Some are better than others, including these few, which are good specifically for trimming belly fat. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Hip Lift

For this stomach exercise, you will need to lie on your back on a flat surface, such as the floor. Use a mat or towel to cushion your spine. Put your arms at your sides with palms facing up to the ceiling. Put your legs straight up in the air so that the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling and your legs make about a ninety degree angle with your torso. Keep your knees unbent and as straight as possible. Now, contract your ab muscles so that it feels like your belly button is being pulled toward your spine, while at the same time gently lifting your hips off the floor. Raise your hips to height of a few inches, keeping your legs extended straight upward. Hold this position, then slowly lower your hips back to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.

Seated Torso Twist

Stay on the floor for this stomach exercise, getting into a seated position. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Position your feet about hip width apart. Extend your arms straight out in front of you, interlocking your fingers. Contract your abdominals and lean back about forty-five degrees. Holding the contraction, rotate your torso as far to one side as you are comfortably able. Use your abdominals to control this motion so that your upper body moves at once, do not lead with your arms. Remember to keep your arms in from of you with fingers locked-- pretend you are aiming an imaginary gun. Once you have rotated as far as you feel comfortable, rotate back to center, then to the other side. Repeat these steps for an entire set. Take care to go slow and keep a controlled movement. Do not allow your momentum to twist you.

To learn more about treadmills, including treadmill exercises and hiit training, visit http://www.treadmilluse.com.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Stomach Fat - Can You Spot Reduce Through Exercise?

By Claude Anthony

Stomach fat is such a pain. Losing weight all over would be the ideal, but wouldn’t it be great just to get rid of that bulging stomach? Sure it would...you and millions of other people.

So what happens?

You’re sitting there minding your own business and wishing that bulge under your chest would just disappear. Your watching television and a commercial comes on that’s telling you how quickly their which-a-ma-jigger will take that weight off your stomach. They’ve got your attention.

"All right! All I have to do is buy this gadget and I am guaranteed to lose 5 to 20 inches off my waistline, have firm, flat abs, and a flock of interested parties of the opposite sex chasing me down the street or my money back."

Now that doesn’t sound so bad, does it? However, if you have fallen for the latest gadget, thing-a-ma-bob, or which-a-ma-jigger sales pitch and shelled out a good sum of money to buy one, you have been very disappointed.

Weight loss just doesn’t happen that way.

*You Cannot Spot Reduce – It’s Impossible*

Why is it impossible to lose weight wherever you want to?

Because only your body will decide where it wants the weight to come off. And it will only come off when you have a deficit of calories. No you cannot tell your body where to lose the weight, and, yes, those infomercials are lying to you...they just want your money.

*The Only Way You Can Lose Your Stomach Fat (Or Any Other Fat)*

Don’t worry; all is not lost. You can lose that excess stomach, back, hip, and leg fat by taking the following steps:

1. Eat a healthy calorie deficit diet.

Your body requires a certain amount of calories for you to stay the same weight. So, if you take in fewer calories your body will have to burn fat to continue functioning.

2. Create a greater calorie deficit through exercise.

If you are already creating a calorie deficit by receiving less calories, then if you burn more calories through exercise, you will in turn lose even more fat. That’s a good thing.

3. Increase your metabolism through weight-resistant exercise.

Relax ladies, I don’t mean you have to lift weights until you look like a man. Just firm those muscles up to make them more efficient fat-burning machines. You see, firm muscles will raise your metabolism so that you will burn calories even while you rest.

Take the advice above and, in time, you will lose weight, unwanted stomach fat, and fat everywhere else. And you will become a more fit, healthier and slimmer you through the process.

For more tips and information on weight loss programs, quick weight loss, diets, weight loss exercise, and more, go to my Slimmer You Weight Loss Tips web site at http://www.slimmer-you-weight-loss-tips.com .

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Friday, June 20, 2008

How to Select the Best Weight Reduction Plan

By Larry Argente

Overweight or obesity is an epidemic in the United States and in other developed countries. More than half of Americans are overweight—including at least 1 in 5 children. Nearly one third are obese. Obesity is on the rise in our society because food is abundant and physical activity is optional.

For most people who are overweight or obese, the safest and most effective way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. If you eat less and exercise more, you will lose weight. As simple as that may be, there are multitudes of weight loss programs available and thus a bit confusing. To help you sort things out, below are steps you can use as guide in evaluating the program you may like to use:

1. Check What Weight Loss Programs Are Available. a. Use the Internet to search for available weight loss programs.

b. Ask your friends what experiences they had with whatever weight loss program they have already taken.

c. The FTC report (Red Flag Bogus Weight Loss Claims) was released to help the public identify products that use fraudulent weight loss claims in their advertisement. Following are the seven warnings of the report. Use this list in discounting programs that have these characteristics. i. Products that claim you can lose two or more pounds per week without dieting and exercise. ii. Products that claim you can eat whatever you want and however much you want with no limits. iii. Products that claim your weight loss will be permanent even after you stop using the product. iv. Products that claim they will block absorption of calories or fat and lead to substantial weight loss. v. Products that claim you can safely lose more than three pounds a week for more than four weeks at a time. vi. Products that claim all users will lose substantial weight. No product can work for everyone. vii. Products that are worn on the body or rubbed on the skin will cause substantial weight loss.

2. Find out about Cost a. Obtain a detailed price breakdown of the program to include any weekly, monthly or annual membership or program fees. If you are considering a program that provides food, ask for the average cost for a month's meals as well as additional food you must buy at the store.

3. Ask About Food and Exercise a. Determine details about what foods the program uses and the number of calories you will be eating every day. Determine if the program encourages increased physical activity like exercise. Any weight reduction plan that promises permanent weight loss without changing how you eat or increasing your physical activity is a scam.

b. A healthy weight-loss program will encourage you to follow the government's Nutrition Guidelines for Americans, which includes at least five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, grains, lean meats and low-fat or non-fat dairy.

4. Ask About the Qualification of Staff a. Ask if the program includes assistance from staff or counselors. If it is provided, find out about their training and credentials. Ask about what you can expect from them such as what type of help you'll receive (one-on-one or group support). Make sure to determine how often counseling or group support will be provided.

5. Make sure that enough calories are provided a. Avoid any plan that encourages a drastic decrease in caloric intake. You will do best when you reduce your usual calorie intake and/or increase the number of burned calories by about 500 calories every day. You probably will not be able to cut or burn more than 1,000 calories a day than you are used to without feeling weak or overly-hungry.

b. A diet of 1,500 calories or less should be followed only with the approval of your doctor. No one should follow a diet containing 1,200 calories or less unless under medical supervision.

c. A calorie deficit of 500 calories a day allows you to lose about one pound each week; 1,000 calories cut each day will lead to a two pound weekly weight loss. Losing more than two pounds a week is not recommended.

6. Ask About Possible Side Effects a. Be sure to ask about any potential side effects or risks that a weight loss plan may pose. Do participants talk with a medical professional? Does a medical professional oversee the program? Will the program providers work with your personal health care provider if you have a medical condition or are taking prescribed medications?

b. Check with your doctor before you take weight-loss pills, even if they are over the counter. Dietary supplements should also be reviewed with your doctor as he/she is aware of all medications you take and potential interactions.

c. Never participate in a weight-loss program that promotes questionable activities such as fasting, purging, or over-using laxatives.

d. Consult with your doctor before deciding on a weight loss plan.

7. Ask for References a. Lastly, ask for contact information of three persons who had already taken the program. Call them up to ask their experience with the plan. What results did they have? How much weight did they lose and how long have they kept off all or part of their weight? Armed with this information you should be better equipped to avoid anyone touting empty promises or those that can't sustain long term results.

Important: Make sure you research on weight loss programs by reading articles about the subject. The website link below is a good starting point.

Copyright (c) 2008 Larry Argente

Larry Argente researches and writes about health issues to help others live healthier lives. As a first step in your search for available weight loss programs, head to the website link below. The website also contains a lot of informative weight loss articles. => http://weightlossreferenceguide.com/

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Thursday, June 19, 2008

3 Powerful Ways To Speed Up Your Metabolism And Weight Loss

By Claude Anthony

"Oh-oh, my metabolism is drooping, that means weight gain." How about using metabolism boosters to get that metabolism up to where it helps you lose weight instead of to gain it?

Metabolism boosters are not some kind of pill. They are anything that will speed up your metabolic rate (the speed at which your body burns calories).

You want a faster metabolism because the faster your body burns calories, the more weight and fat you lose. That’s a good thing.

In other words, fat is created by the extra calories that your body does not burn through activity. If you use more calories than consume, then your body is forced to burn fat (instead of store it) in order to function. That is what causes weight and fat loss.

Almost everybody already knows that you need a good diet and weight-loss exercise program to really lose weight.

However, most people don’t realize that a good way to lose weight quicker is to speed up your metabolism. Once you have a fast metabolism, it will be easier to lose weight. A faster metabolism causes the body to burn fat, even while you are sleeping.

Okay, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.

*3 Ways To Increase Your Metabolic Rate*

1. Stay physically active.

Activity is a great metabolism booster...it increases your metabolic rate naturally. We were not created to be couch potatoes. Our bodies were made to move and be active.

Why is our nation having these incredible weight and health problems that didn’t exist a century ago? What’s the difference between how we live now and how they lived then? We have become a sitting and watching society instead of a moving and participating society. So keep your body moving for faster and healthier weight loss.

Exercise increases muscle tone and burns calories at the same time. A good exercise program will increase your metabolic rate, and your health.

Proper weight-resistant exercises are great metabolism boosters for both men and women. Many women are afraid that if they use weights they will end up looking manly. But you don’t have to worry about that. You were not designed to have big muscles like a man. Women who do are exercising excessively and may be taking a little something to get those large muscles.

Firmer muscles will turn your body into a fat-burning machine...even while you sleep. Did you know that, on the average, a pound of muscle burns approximately 50 calories a day compared to a pound of body fat that burns only around 2 calories a day.

2. Avoid refined sugar.

We all know that, if you are trying to lose weight, refined sugar and simple carbohydrates equal weight-loss suicide. However, did you know that they also cause extra damage to your weight-loss efforts through the slowing of your metabolism?

So, replace refined sugar with healthy carbohydrates:

Wild rice
Brown rice
Whole wheat (not too much)

3. Eat a good metabolism-booster breakfast.

Start your day right with a metabolism-booster breakfast. Here’s what I do:

My daily breakfast includes oatmeal with dried cranberries (no sugar) and egg whites. I have been eating this way for years and always have a high energy level. Some people would get bored with a breakfast like that, but I enjoy the benefits too much to give it up.

Well, I do cheat...but just a little. I eat eggs, hash browns, and biscuits and gravy once a week when my wife and I go out to breakfast after church. I have such a high metabolism through regular exercise and eating right that my occasional "binges" don’t cause me any problems. And I enjoy them.

The above information should give you a good start on increasing your metabolism. Just stick in there and never give up! You will win the weight-loss battle. Best wishes for faster and healthier weight loss.

For more tips and information on weight loss programs, quick weight loss, diets, weight loss exercise, and more, go to my Slimmer You Weight Loss Tips web site at http://www.slimmer-you-weight-loss-tips.com .

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Weight Gain And Stress Are Inter-Related

By Ricky Hussey

It has been found that women are at a higher risk of gaining weight as compared to men. The body mass index or (BMI) has been found to be high particularly in women due to stress eating.

Our body has a hormone called cortisol that largely contributes to weight related issues, particularly around the abdominal region. Excess of this hormone maybe the reason for the slow metabolism and the culprit behind your weight gain.

The tendency to eat food that is high in fats and calories is also one of the reasons for poor metabolism of the body. Though cortisol is directly connected for all those extra pounds it is not advisable to eat pills to prevent weight gain due to cortisol. There are no pills or for that matter diet to control your weight until and unless you decide to follow a healthy diet followed by a strict regime of exercises.

Lack of emotional support as you know is directly linked to women's tendency to over eat, firstly it becomes important that they build their own support group network this can be in the form of a weight loss program or it might be to get the support of your friend or relative who will help you to over come this habit to over eat due to stress.

Weight loss program can be in the form of a strict diet along with a systematic exercise regime or a daily brisk 5-minute walk. Try to get involved in activities or hobbies of your choice so that you can get out of this habit to stress eat and thus loose weight.

Regular exercise has proved to be the best stress busters as well as the most effective medicine for a weight loss program. Regular exercises help to control the cortisol level in the body thus helping you alleviate depression.

You could go in for relaxation exercises that will relieve the stress level and the best relaxation exercise can be in the form of deep breathing and meditation, you could also relax with physical activities like tai chi or yoga.

Whatever may be the reason to lose weight depends upon the mind of a person and the more self confident a person is the more he or she will take care of his or her body. Self help is the best help in any weight loss program.

Discover where to buy the best weight loss pills and hoodia diet pills for quick weight loss.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Weight Loss Tips - Live a healthy lifestyle

By Robert Thomson

Obesity is one of the biggest problems faced by millions of people in America. This has resulted in a big weight loss corporate industry in the country like Weight watchers, Jenny Carig and many others. Although there are good programs, I feel people can themselves do quite a bit to reduce their weight. The two major factors in weight loss are exercise and controlled diet. I have put together several points which will be useful to individuals looking to reduce their weight.

1. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Most fruits are low in calories and make you full sooner. Not to mention the other vitamins and fibers they also contain.

2. Read those nutrition fact labels: It is a good idea to know how many calories you are consuming. Some foods combo's can be deceptive, for example if you are having a plate of salad topped with lot of high calorie dressing and a soda, they you have just had more calories then you might get from a combination of grilled chicken sandwich (with no cheese and dressing) plus diet soda. So be smart with what you eat. Prefer home cooked food as much as possible.

3. Eating smaller frequent meals will also help you cut down the total intake of calories compared to 3 big meals a day.

4. Give yourself a break: Being too restrictive can anyway demotivate you, so to give yourself regular breaks. But do not over-eat at the same time, be conservative and try to make up for it in other meals.

5. Drinks: Soda, juice, cream are all loaded with sugars which we usually do not account into out diet plan. Drink water instead.

6. Exercise: Do not always depend on your car for everything, walk wherever you can. Go hiking and those backpacks help to burn extra calories. Make friends who have a active lifestyle, join gym or get a treadmill in your home. Remember to increase your exercise in a progressive manner day by day instead of doing strenuous exercise from day one. Be practical on what your body can take and avoid overexertion.

7. Get motivation: Talk to people who have had success in weight loss and they will give you a lot of inspiration.

8. Get enough sleep, reduce stress and live happy.

9. Reward yourself when you reach your monthly weight loss milestones.

10. Never give up, even if you have failed a few times previously.

11. Eating slowly can lead to weight loss: Did you ever notice that thin people take an awfully long time to eat their food? Eating slowly is one method that can help take off pounds. That's because from the time you begin eating it takes the brain 20 minutes to start signaling feelings of fullness. Fast eaters often eat beyond their true level of fullness before the 20 minute signal has had a chance to set in. The amount of calories consumed before you begin to feel full can vary significantly depending on how quickly you eat. So slow down, take smaller bites and enjoy and savor every tasty morsel.

I am not an expert so it is advisable to consult your doctor before starting any weight loss effort and they will also tell you if you have any medical condition that may prevent you to follow these tips.

Robert is an author and likes to write weight loss articles on the internet. He also likes to submit articles and encourages others to do so.

Article Source: http://www.articleclick.com/Article/Weight-Loss-Tips---Live-a-healthy-lifestyle/998108

Bad Cholesterol - Great Resources

By Paul Zayer

It's difficult to believe that your body actually needs it when cholesterol gets so much bad press. There are two kinds of cholesterol in your body, good cholesterol also known as HDL cholesterol, and bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol. In your body, cholesterol is needed to create hormones, vitamin D and bile salts.

On the other hand, the bad cholesterol could cause you many inconveniences. The main worry with LDL cholesterol is that it could deposit cholesterol onto artery walls that will create plaque. The plaque in turn will make the arteries to narrow and then block. This might be the cause of blood flow to be blocked, which is bad news for your heart.

There are many confusing terms being thrown around when it comes to cholesterol. One of those terms is dietary cholesterol. You might think that all dietary cholesterol is bad, but in fact dietary cholesterol does not raise blood cholesterol as high as you could think. The two bad guys here are saturated fats and trans fatty acids.

So when you think about cholesterol problems what you want to do is reduce your levels of bad cholesterol. A very good way to do this is by changing your diets. Besides reducing foods with bad cholesterol such as meat, eggs, dairy and seafood, you can also eat various foods that will reduce LDL levels.

Trans fatty acids are found in many packaged food. Microwave popcorn, hard stick margarine and several French fries from some fast food chains are all responsible. You can lower down your consumption of trans fatty acids that will all contribute to the level of bad cholesterol in your body, by eliminating these foods or finding better substitutes.

You can augment the quantity of good cholesterol in your body while reducing the bad cholesterol. The reason for this is that the presence of good cholesterol in your body means that surplus of cholesterol will return to the liver to be expulsed out of your body. This indicates you need plenty of good cholesterol because high levels of good cholesterol means a reduced risk of heart disease.

Lifestyle modifications such as eating foods that have soluble fiber and monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats will assist to augment good cholesterol levels. You can also increase the time you spent on physical activity in your every day life to decrease cholesterol levels. Limiting alcohol intake to one glass a day for women and two a day for men is also a great idea.

This well known writer is an Internet lover and undoubtedly enjoys sharing his information with others. Read more now about Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol review at his web site www.cholesterolinformationandsolution.com

Article Source: http://www.articleclick.com/Article/Bad-Cholesterol---Great-Resources/999440

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Troubles Involving Weight Reduction Process

By Ricky Hussey

The advancement in science and technology has proved very beneficial in the field of weight reduction. These days by only spending 60 to 80 minutes, people can reduce their weight. These days the troubles regarding weight loosing process have reduced a great deal. Many new and innovative techniques have been launched in the market to reduce weight. There are some physical fitness steps and conditions that should be followed by a person if he wants to reduce his body weight. It is very important to take training under a professional general practitioner to get better results.

People should try not to loose hope and keep regularly trying to reduce their weight. Most importantly people should try and take lesser stress if they want to get benefits out of their weight reducing procedure. Some of the easy ways are also brought in the process of reducing weight. Some of these processes are the use diet pills and weight loosing drugs and medicines.
People before going through any find to process to reduce their weight should try and consult to their doctors or trainers. These people are practically trained and know what is good for the common people. One of the techniques is hormone substitute treatment. According to this treatment hormones are replaced and treated so that the problem of over weight can be controlled. Some of the medicines also do reduces the appetite of the human beings can also be used.

Each and every medicine which a person consumes should have its consultation with the doctors so that its side effects can be minimized. A major point according to the doctors is that the skipping of meals is not an appreciable solution to the problem of over weight. A proper and notorious diet as guided by the doctor. A notorious diet is very important as it provides all essential vitamins and minerals which are needed by the patients. People may feel bored and think to avoid their light diet. But here the people should remain positive and follow their diet till the doctors have asked them to do so. Family members and friends should act as a motivating agent in this process. Different variety and kinds of exercises and physical activities should be performed so to gain maximum gain. Some of the physical activities such as swimming and jogging should be tried to gain maximum advantage.

Discover where to buy the best weight loss and hoodia for quick weight loss.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Friday, April 25, 2008

5 Tips for Lightning Fast Fat Loss

By Ryan Patrick

You’ve read all the articles that tell you how to lose "X" pounds in "X" days! I’m not making bogus promises and I’m not feeding you lies. If you want long-term fat loss and weight management, you need to adopt 5 simple habits that make a huge difference in your potential to keep fat off for the long haul!

1. Stop doing Long Duration Cardio!How long have you been doing these drawn out sessions of cardio with little to no return? The writings on the wall folks, and in the research too! Long duration cardio has been correlated to increases in cortisol. This is a stress hormone that (long story short) leads to more fat gain and less muscle—putting you in a position that’s which is more difficult to manage weight than originally.

2. No Fish OilsIf you haven’t heard by now fish oil omega-3’s are good for just about any and everything. Research suggests that fish oil can help improve your metabolic rate, increase fat burning, and help with insulin sensitivity. These three effects alone are enough to jump on the fish oil bandwagon if you haven’t, but there are a plethora of other benefits you will derive.

3. Down with Coffee…sometimes!Coffee and donuts don’t work anymore! In fact, coffee may be slowing you down. If you have a higher carbohydrate breakfast in conjunction with a large cup of coffee you may be headed for impending fat storage. Caffeine, while the best fat loss supplement ever invented can actually have an adverse effect on carbohydrate tolerance. It blunts insulin sensitivity meaning your body has to pump out more of the fat storing insulin hormone to get the job done. How’s that for starting your day off on the right foot?

4. Sleep DeprivationThis may be the silent culprit to why you aren’t reaching your goals. You’re doing everything right, but you are tired. You blame it on the diet. The reality is that sleep deprivation alone has the potential to make all your efforts futile. Get plenty of rest each night. If you fall short, catch up with a brief nap.

5. Dieting too hardThe so-called miracle diets work initially because they are generally low carb (thus a substantial amount of weight from water is lost) and they are short in duration. This denies your body the opportunity to effectively down regulate metabolism. If you diet too hard, for too long you will do yourself a great disservice. For one, you’ll be missing out on calories you could be eating. Another thing is that you’ll blunt your metabolic rate so when you do "crash" there will be repercussions. You can use cheat meals in a timed fashion, but that is beyond the discussion of this article. Just remember that less isn’t always more. You need to be in a "calorie deficit", which could easily be fulfilled by getting yourself more active.

If you want more diet tips like this, visit my blog below and sign up for my free newsletter and e-course! Please, please e-mail me any questions or comments after you sign up. Ryan Patrick is a personal trainer, student, and competitive bodybuilder. He won a Strongman Competition at the University of Kentucky in 2007. He'll begin a MS in Exercise Science at Colorado State in the Fall 2008. For questions, comments, or more information about his services visit his blog at http://patrickperformance.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Why Block Fat to Lose Weight with Alli?

By Richard Bleuze

Why Block Fat to Lose Weight with Alli?

Alli is the only FDA approved, over-the-counter weight loss product. But it’s more than just a pill. It’s an innovative weight loss program. The pill works by preventing your body from absorbing some of the fat you eat. And the program includes an individually tailored, online action plan to help you lose weight safely and gradually.

You can make a real difference in your weight

If you limit fat intake in your diet, you can make a real difference in your weight, because fat is more calorie-dense than carbs or protein. Just one gram of fat has more than double the calories of the same amount of protein or carbs.

Trim your fat intake, and you can limit the total number of calories that enter your system.

Remember, the calories your body doesn't use for normal function or physical activity can get stored as fat. Does that mean you must follow a fat-free regimen while using alli capsules? No. alli isn't about depriving yourself. It's about eating in sensible, satisfying ways that you can sustain over the long term. In fact, you should eat at least some fat in your meals, because fats help the body absorb vitamins and perform other essential functions.

So let's take a moment to look at how the body processes fat. What food means to your body fat, carbs, and protein are the main sources of energy the body gets from food. The body needs each of them for normal function. Fats help the body absorb vitamins. Carbs are a good source of energy. Protein builds and maintains the body's cells. So take a moment to understand how the body processes fat. Storing fat for later useDuring digestion, fats, carbs, and protein are converted into glucose or blood sugar.

When there's an energy demand, the glucose is absorbed into your body's cells to provide energy. If there's no urgent demand, glucose can be stored in your liver and muscles. When these storage areas become full, excess glucose is converted into fatty acids and stored in fat tissue for later use.

Every pound of fat represents 3,500 calories. Think of a calorie as a unit of measure for the amount of energy released when the body breaks down food. To lose weight, you have to consume fewer calories — or use more — than your body needs to maintain your current weight. When a calorie deficit happens, your system will burn body fat for energy. And as you burn fat, you'll lose pounds.

Want to attack fat starting today? Alli can help you do that. Find out if you have what it takes to get started. Take the alli weight loss readiness quiz. 10 tips to help trim fat to about 30 milk, nonfat yogurt, and low-fat ice cream and cheese. Choose lean meat, poultry without skin, fish, and dry beans and peas.

For more information visit the alli website today or go to the http://remedyguidance.com website!

Richard's articles can be found on http://remedyguidance.com He also sells common herbal remedy products on http://www.commonherbalremedies.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Low Cost Liposuction

By Karel Micek

The use of low cost liposuction to eliminate excess fat has grown dramatically over recent years; normally from certain areas (typically the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks), that cannot be treated by other means. However, there is a strange and unexpected side effect where the fat can return; unfortunately this usually occurs in a different area - one that was possibly fat free before!

Although there are more, the two most used techniques are Ultrasonic and tumescent and it is likely you will have one of these. The Tumescent method is the most commonly practiced technique of the two main ways of removing unwanted fat from Americans today.

Because the tube that removes the fat is not as large it helps to reduce the bruising in the area which is why the recovery period is longer using the procedure as it requires a general anesthetic. Tumescent low cost liposuction is now the procedure of choice with cosmetic surgeons because the adrenaline added to the solution used, cuts down the bleeding that normally happens.

Ultrasonic low cost liposuction allows fat to be removed from traditionally awkward locations like the thighs, upper stomach and back.

The problem with the conventional treatment is the surgeon has trouble seeing where the probe is located in the body so it is possible for internal organs to be damaged if extreme care is not taken. The best thing to do is to consult with a surgeon to choose the most suitable technique for your body.

Low cost liposuction is normally straightforward procedure but can have adverse side effects and on occasion death although the odds against this happening are something in the region of five thousand to one. In order to minimize the danger, patients will have a medical to ensure their health is good so the chances of complications are reduced. Patients are told to keep wounds clean after the procedure and given antibiotics to avoid possible infection at this vulnerable time. Cosmetic surgery is improving all the time, so are the techniques to perform it and methods to avoid complications.

Lipo dissolve another type of low cost liposuction involves a series of injections of a compounded mixture of drugs into areas of body fat: including saddlebags, double chins, hips and other hard to reach places. As the process is almost pain free, patients can have it performed whilst they are fully conscious and with other cosmetic skin treatments that do not require surgery.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karel_Micek

Healthy Way To Loose Weight

By Reginald Bradley

Being a healthy weight will help you live longer, because of course you are not at risk for the dangerous health problems that come with being overweight. There are ways to loose weight by eating great tasting foods and lots of it! You don't have to exercise(exercising is very healthy though, and is very good for the body) or go on a crazy diet to loose weight and keep it off, no actually you can just eat and maintain a great healthy body!

A very popular way of dieting of course is to lower the amount of calories you take in, but it isnt very effective because of the way the bodies metabolism works. See by lowering the amount of calories you take in, your metabolism will detect the drop in calories and then it will adjust and start burning fewer calories each day. For example if you take in 3000 calories a day your metabolism will adjust, and then your body will begin to burn 3000 calories a day. If you lower the amount of calories to 1,000(which is not healthy) your metabolism will adjust and start burning 1,000 calories a day. Thats the reason most diets fail and why you can lower your calorie intake and not loose a pound, and why someone who takes in more calories than you not gain a pound(the reason why someone can eat like a horse but small as a cat).

Being a Healthy weight will allow you to have a more active lifestyle and reduce the level of stress you have therefore resulting in a long lasting(active) lifestyle. If you are at an unhealthy weight and you are serious about getting your body to a healthy form and have the energy and self confidence that you are suppose to have then click the link provided so that you can live life like it was meant to be lived!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Reginald_Bradley

Friday, March 28, 2008

Quick Weight Loss- Is There a Perfect Weight Loss System?

By Efe Oghate

Increasing numbers of people around the world are experiencing weight problems but a foolproof quick weight loss program does not yet exist; despite some methods that are debatable however, a number of proven systems that help shed pounds healthily do exist. Being overweight is the cause of many medical conditions which require long term attention but obesity also affects the way we see ourselves as well.

How difficult or easy your weight loss program is will depend on how much you apply yourself to shedding those extra pounds. Losing weight can be for health reasons, self image reasons or both but whatever the reason, you must be sure that you're doing it for your benefit and not another person.

No matter what weight loss program you choose, you need to take into consideration the following factors; what, how and when you eat, your behavior and the activity level you are planning to have.

To keep things simple it is easier to consider that one pound lost per week is realistically the equivalent to around 3,500 calories which breaks down to losing 500 calories a day, every day whether through dieting, exercise or both. Most of us eat too much and definitely an excess of junk foods which we shouldn't rely on the way we do although it is not a good idea to cut out everything you enjoy.

How we feel is also a determining factor as people who are depressed are not happy about their lives usually consume too much. It is nonsense to believe that continued eating and weight gain will not have serious consequences to your health as we now see in the increase of conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart conditions and cancer. The answer to permanent weight reduction is not just about easy weight loss diets but the person themselves and their psychological attitude to the problem, the underlying reason of being overweight and a number of genetic factors

The success of a quick weight loss program also relies on the mental attitude of the person involved so if they stay happy and do not get stressed they will more likely lose the weight they desire. It helps to provide an environment of positive mental attitude which is necessary for us if we wish to be successful in any endeavor. Most people that loss those extra pounds claim they have more energy and are able to do things that their weight had stopped them from enjoying previously.

Once a person starts seeing real benefits from using their quick weight loss program, it is less of a chore to continue with the plan. All this being said, you should know that achieving a quick weight loss is somewhat easier, especially if the underlying cause of the excess weight is known.

Article Source: http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=855503

How To Lose Weight The Easy And Safe Way

By Rasheed Aladel


Many people ask me which is the best diet for me to follow, with practically a new diet coming out every year I find myself getting frustrated with the mis- information being put out there. Let me shine some light on some of these fad diets.

Why fad diets don't work

There's no question if you follow these fad diets you will lose weight, but I can also guarantee you will not be able to sustain these so-called diets which is why millions of people follow these diets only to pack back on the pounds again.

The simple answer to this is fad diets do not work, the reason they do not work is because you can only follow such a ridiculous routine for only so long successful long-term weight loss is not necessarily about a diet but it's about long-term happiness.

I even hate that word diets, because it is linked to feelings of restriction and unhappiness but what I do believe in is a sensible nutrition plan which allows you to eat five to six enjoyable small meals a day. To be honest with you I wish all of these fad diets did work then we wouldn't be experiencing the problems we have today such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Before I explain to you the concept of a healthy eating plan I'll cover just a few of these fad diets.


I'm sure you've all heard of the Atkins diet and heard about the supposed success stories. The problem is that most of these fad diets work on the basis of calorie reduction. with the Atkins carbohydrates are severely limited, the atkins diet requires that you get your calories from just protein and fat.

The way this works is by consuming so much fat and protein it sends a signal to your brain saying that your full when in reality you are not, this can result in metabolic disorders. The Atkins diet will allow you to lose weight but at what cost? the side-effects of the Atkins diet is nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and bad breath (urghh)

I would have to say the Atkins diet is a big no-no, a healthy diet is well rounded and borrows from all the food groups such as carbohydrates, protein and good fats. Tricking your body into believing it is full, when it's not, will only can catch up with you and make you feel ill through the lack of nutrients received in you diet.

The weight loss achieved in Atkins is mainly muscle mass, and muscle tissue is what helps speed up your metabolic rate, the more muscle tissue you have the more calories you burn. Which is why when people realise they cannot sustain the Atkins diet any more they put the weight on twice as fast because now they do not have the muscle to combat the fat.

Bear in mind when a new diet hits the market and seems too good to be true, your usually right!


The zone diet is used by many celebrities such as Jennifer aniston, Renee zellweger, Madonna, Cindy Crawford and Winona Ryder. The main concept of the zone diet is a balanced ratio of carbohydrates (40) and proteins (30%) so on this diet you do actually get to eat, which in my eyes is a good start.

The zone diet works by following recipes with a low-carbohydrate diet plan, it does insist on watching your calorie consumption while eating eg. A meal must not exceed 500 calories and a snack must not exceed 100 calories which they call staying in the zone.

I must say weight loss is not the only benefit of the zone diet you also experience improved energy, improved mental clarity and is also ideal for type 2 diabetes sufferers. This diet was implemented to reduce hunger and compulsion to eat. Zone diet recipes are customized to each individual, based on your sex, activity level and proportion of body fat.

The foods the zone diet encourages are fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts, leafy green vegetables, sufficient protein consumption, and eight glasses of water everyday. How weight loss is achieved with the zone diet is similar to the low gi diet.

By reducing your carbohydrates your body will not produce too much insulin (a hormone that tells your body to store up nutrients) consuming too much carbohydrates causes this to happen which is why carbs are seen as the bad guys. The overload of insulin tells the body to convert the carbohydrates you ate into fat stores around your belly, thighs, buttocks and other areas.

Carbohydrates are not totally the bad guys if you limit them and balance them with low-fat protein this will keep your insulin levels balanced. I like this diet because it's not so much a diet, it's more of a eating plan. The only problem I have with the zone diet is calculating meals and snacks every day is not totally convenient, with 5 hours of exercise a week and a variety of balanced meals consisting of low gi carbs, protein and veg is a simpler formula to lose weight.


The south beach to me is an improved version of the atkins diet because it does allow "good" carbohydrates like fruit and foods with a low glycemic (Gi) index. The south beach diet gives you the freedom to snack all day if you feel the need to and not to worry about counting calories.

This diet is a complete waste of time because if you give people in search of losing weight the go-ahead to eat a portion as big as they like, they probably will, I know I would if I didn't know any better. Even eating the healthiest foods if you consume too much you will still put on weight.


Weight watchers have created their own brand of foods with low calories from full dinners to ice cream. I must say weight watchers have tried to make counting calories as simple as they can here by running a points system.

Their point system runs something like this: each food has a point value ranging from 0 for jelly to 8 for pizza. Depending on your bodyweight, you are allowed a certain amount of points daily, if you stay under your points you lose weight.

With weight watchers you are allowed to bank points and use them over days, exercise also earns you points. When you're feeling down in the dumps or lacking in the motivation department you can go to daily weight watchers meetings and get great tips and motivation from others who have overcome their obstacles and achieved there goals.

I believe weight watchers has stood the test of time because they focus more on long term healthy eating rather than restrictive dieting, we are all human and sometimes we desire some of our favorite dessert or pizza without having to feel like a failure. I feel this is totally acceptable and is a good approach to achieving your goals.


This diet definitely takes the No.1 spot for me, because it's more of a eating plan than a restrictive diet. The GI diet also teaches you that carbs are not the bad guys after all, it's the type of carbs you eat that is important.

Put simply the GI diet is a scale which charts how quickly a food is converted into sugar in the body. Foods that chart as a high G.I number are converted into sugar more quickly than foods that have a low G.I number, the scale is based on a rating of 1 to 100.

So why is the G.I number important?

If a food is rated high on the G.I scale your body is more likely to store fat, this is due to insulin which is the primary storage hormone in your body and is used to help get nutrients into the different cells of your body. High G.I foods raise our blood sugar so rapidly that insulin has to be released in our body to bring our blood sugar down to a normal baseline, in order for insulin to bring our blood sugar levels down it has to store the sugar

It's a simple stimulus - response system that works to keep blood sugar levels in balance in the body.

So how does this affect your fat loss?

I'll tell you how, just remember when insulin is present in your bloodstream, your body is in STORAGE mode and will NOT release fat from your fat cells to burn. So when your blood sugar levels are high, your body isn't burning fat.

Another thing is when your blood sugar is high, your body is using that blood sugar for energy instead of using fat. Sugar is the preferred fuel for your body because it's easier to use, but it confuses the body so the body takes a guess and always releases too much insulin to bring your blood sugar level down but too much insulin results in bringing your blood sugar levels too low leaving you feeling dizzy and lethargic craving for more sugary foods to perk yourself up again, this is where the vicious cycle starts.

How do you stop this cycle?

To stop this vicious cycle you need keep your blood sugar levels stable so your body stays in fat burning mode instead of STORAGE mode. You accomplish this by focusing on eating low G.I carbs (every G.I diet book gives you a list of low G.I foods)

When you eat low G.I foods, the carbs are converted into sugar at a slower, steadier rate into the body, this way your body doesn't have to panick and send out extra reserves of insulin in an emergency response, also your blood sugar levels will not drop so suddenly leaving you craving for more sugar an hour later.

The steady state you recieve from consuming low G.I foods will allow your body to access stored bodyfat and use this fat for energy instead of constantly relying on blood sugar. The bonus… you don't get as hungry and you feel more energised throughout the day with a leaner body to go with it.

G.I diet: A eating plan for life

Another advantage of the G.I diet is that it focuses on good amounts of protein, healthy fats and fiber, which is a well balanced diet.

The concept of the G.I diet is scientifically sound because it works and can be maintained for the rest of your life unlike many fad diets which cannot. Eating low G.I foods for fat loss can have a positive impact not only on your fat loss but on your mood and well being as well.

A diet that focuses on natural, unprocessed foods such as whole grains, quality lean proteins, healthy fats and lots of fiber is no doubt going to be a effective diet

About The Author: Rasheed 'the body sculptor' Aladel is a certified Fitness and Nutrition Expert to find out more from this author visit http://www.sculptrexfitness.co.uk

Article Souce: http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7075.shtml

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fat Burning Workouts - Uncover The Best

By Daniel Depp

The best fat burning workouts are those which help to increase your metabolism over a sustained period of time. Long, low intensity cardio workouts have long been cited as the best way to burn fat, more recently however, studies have shown that this is not the optimum way to lose fat. In this article I will unveil two key components to high quality fat burning workouts. These revelations may well surprise you, I know they surprised me when I found out about them - they also helped me to lose over 20lbs of fat over a six month period and keep that weight off, all with very little demand on my time.

These 2 types of exercises should be incorporated into your fat burning workouts;

1. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

This type of training involves working out for short periods of time at a high intensity. HIIT is far more productive for fat-loss because it helps maintain lean muscle mass whilst increasing your body's metabolism over a longer period of time (both during and after exercise) compared to low intensity training. This increase in metabolism promotes fat burning; recent studies have shown that 20 minutes of highly intense exercise burns vastly more fat calories than 45 minutes of the same exercise performed at a low intensity.

Workouts should be performed in short bursts. I recommend beginning with a warm-up of 5 minutes duration at a low intensity followed by 30 seconds of highly intense explosive exercise before lowering intensity for 1 minute. Repeat this high-low cycle 4-5 times and then perform a cool-down at a low intensity for another 5 minutes. Your total HIIT workout should last between 16 and 18 minutes. As you improve you can increase intervals and extend your workout beyond 20 minutes. I recommend working out using this type of routine for no longer than 25 minutes 3-4 times per week.

2. Weight Lifting.

Strength training through lifting weights should comprise an important part of your fat burning workouts.

An intense weight training session helps your body to burn calories during the workout and also elevates your metabolism for as long as 39 hours after your have finished the session. During weight training your body is fueled by carbohydrates and the more intense those sessions are the more depleted carbohydrate stores become, resulting in more fat being burnt during the recovery phase.

Obviously weight lifting promotes muscle gain. This is vital for any fat-loss regime because additional muscle mass results in a higher resting metabolism - more calories are burnt throughout the day. In fact for every 1lb of lean muscle mass your body burns as much as 50 calories per day just to maintain it, that means more fat lost doing absolutely nothing! Rest is also an important part of your fat burning workouts, your body needs time to recover and grow.

Make your weights sessions quick-fire and lift as heavy as you can. My current fat burning workouts incorporate weights 3 days per week, I make sure every session I do is highly intense with fairly short rests between sets and each workout lasts no longer than 45 minutes. Follow this example and you will be well on your way to losing that stubborn body fat that has thus far refused to leave!

If you really want to blast fat away quickly and easily then I thoroughly recommend checking out The 7 Secrets To Fat-loss which unveils 7 of the most over-looked aspects to fat-loss which most people will never known. Get the upper hand by learning the secrets and applying them to your own fat burning workouts.

Should you wish to view a number of specific exercises that I have used numerous times to accelerate my own fat-loss then please visit Fat Burning Exercises and lose that fat forever!

Daniel Depp is a health and fitness fanatic. He is a former professional athlete who, since retiring found himself over-eating and piling on weight. He decided that enough was enough and embarked on a mission to gather as much information about weight-loss and fitness as he possibly could and then impliment these in his own life. He has since lost over 20 pounds of body fat, lives a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and is committed to helping others do the same. Visit his website at Secrets To Fat-loss to learn the '7 Forbidden Secrets' to ultimate fat-loss which will help you achieve the body you always wanted, permanently.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Depp

How To Lose Fat

By Brandon Walsh

Unlike a fine wine, your hips and thighs won't get better with age. If you want to lose fat in these areas, here are a few tips that should help you reach your goal.

Lose Fat Tip #1: Motivation

Remember that old saying "Inch by inch, it's a cinch, yard by yard it's really hard"? Well, It's true when trying to lose fat as well, so give yourself a break and start small. If you succeed in making a few key changes, it will do wonders for your confidence, motivation, and ultimately, in your goal to lose fat.

Lose Fat Tip #2: Exercise

Exercise is not only a great way to jump start your diet program and lose fat, but it's critical to your overall health. When you're thinking about an exercise program, concentrate on all the areas of your health you'll be improving upon, rather than just focusing on how to lose fat.

Here are a few items worth considering:

Increased Energy

One of my all time favorites. The more exercise you incorporate into your lifestyle, the more energy you will have, the more easily you will lose fat, and with less fat and more energy, everything in your life will become easier.

Strong Bones and Muscles

Exercise is critical for strong bones and muscles and for slowing the progression of osteoporosis. It's also very important for arthritic conditions as it helps to keep your joints flexible.

Mental Alertness

Exercise is one the cheapest and easiest ways to keep the doctor away. From depression to dementia, you won't find a better all natural medicine.

Lose Fat Tip #3: Diet

The best way to tackle a new diet plan is to educate yourself. It's a common misconception that eating fewer meals will provide the necessary means to lose fat. In fact, the opposite is true, by strictly limiting our calorie intake, we actually slow down our metabolism and the result is that we lose fat more slowly. (Not a great motivator!)

Although it's quite possible to lose fat without going on a detox diet, it's one of the best ways to get a head start on any weight loss regimen.

Most people realize the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise program and yet fail to incorporate one into their daily lifestyle. One of the worst things you can do when trying to lose fat is plunge into some ridiculous exercise routine. This will no doubt burn you out and ruin your confidence. Setting a realistic goal, is by far the best way to go. When it comes to achieving your desired results, remember, inch by inch, it's a cinch, bite by bite, your buns get tight!

Looking for a way to detox your body and lose fat easily and effectively? If so, check out: Lose Fat Body Wraps

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Walsh

The Truth About Cardio & Fat Loss Exercise

By Craig Ballantyne

The Fat Burning Zone is all just a big misunderstanding. The truth is, exercising in the fat burning zone is a big waste of time. You are better off doing short, burst exercise to lose your belly fat.

There is nothing magical about the so-called "fat burning zone".

By definition, the fat burning zone is the exercise intensity where your body burns the highest proportion of fat.

However, the fat burning zone is relatively low intensity exercise, and burns less calories than if you worked at a harder pace for the same amount of time.

The fat burning zone has never been shown in a study to be more effective for fat loss than any other type of exercise.

The purpose of exercise is to burn calories during and after exercise when the body is recovering from the workout. The fat burning zone is generally low-intensity exercise, but low-intensity exercise burns fewer calories.

Therefore, forget about this term and this fat burning myth. Instead, use the interval training guidelines from any of my weight loss workout programs to improve your fitness, calorie burning, and fat loss.

You can't magically lose fat from one area? Will you lose fat from a specific area by doing certain exercises? What exercises will help you lose my love handles?

The answer of course, is "No, you can't lose fat from a specific area just by doing certain exercises."

This is also known as spot reducing, and just can't be done. If we told you that there was one secret exercise that could magically reduce the fat from one of your trouble spots, then we'd be rich. But we'd also be lying.

Fat burning isn't like building muscle. When you strength train to build muscle, you only make gains in the specific muscles that were trained ("spot gaining"). But no exercise has the ability to burn fat from one specific area only ("spot reducing").

When you exercise, you burn fat from all over your body. Doing one thousand ab crunches won't help you lose your belly fat any faster than a good total- body routine.

The best approach to fat loss is one that includes three major components.

Nutrition is numero uno when it comes to fat burning. It is so important for people to follow good nutrition principles when they are trying to improve their body. If you haven't already heard these basic recommendations for fat loss nutrition, here are the 5 best fat loss nutrition tips:

1. Eat several small meals per day, rather than 2-3 large meals.

2. Monitor your food intake using one of the free websites that allow you to track your calories.

3. Determine how many calories you should eat per day to maintain your bodyweight.

4. If you want to lose fat, start by reducing your food intake by 200-300 calories per day below your maintenance level and add 3 workouts per week using my workout programs.

5. Stop eating processed foods and replace all sweetened beverages with water or Green Tea. This can quickly reduce your food intake by hundreds of calories immediately.

Discover the top 5 fat loss myths at http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com - home of the world's most effective fat loss workouts.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mystery of a Failed Weight Loss Diet

By Ruth Tan

Bringing you the story of Jane to unravel why some weight loss diet strategies just wouldn't work...

Jane is struggling big time with her weight loss diet. Since young, she has a voracious appetite for sweet delights like ice-cream, candies, and desserts. Now that she understands the health risks related to obesity, she has started to conscientiously cut down her fat intake by avoiding foods such as milk, cheese, etc, eating a much lesser amount of rice for each meal, and taking a lot more fruits and vegetables than ever. However, inconceivably, she is still getting fatter. So, what's the mystery here?

Firstly, like many people, Jane probably doesn't know what a carbohydrate is. She seems to think carbohydrates are starchy foods like rice, pasta, noodles, breads, whereas vegetables, fruits, and even sweets are simply food types that she can eat in unlimited amounts to satisfy her sweet tooth without gaining weight. The truth is sweets, vegetables and fruits, like rice and bread are all carbohydrates, which are merely different forms of simple sugars linked together in polymers. Any carbohydrates not immediately used by the body will be converted into fat and stored in fatty tissue. And in this case, if Jane continues to eat a lot of high-glycemic sugared stuff and have aplenty fruits and vegetables, she is consuming an excessive amount of sugar and refined carbohydrates. And worse, if she is leading a sedentary lifestyle and not exercising regularly, she would have even a harder time shedding kilos.

Secondly, eating fat does not make us fat. Our body cannot metabolize fat into fat. When we consume fat, our body has to break it down into its little building blocks and then absorb the pieces, and what is not used it eliminates. The fat you have in our body is not the same as the fat you eat. The problem with fat is that it's calorie-dense and it clogs your arteries and coupled with starch causes bad cholesterol. Many dieticians believe it's hard to be successful in any weight loss diet by simply restricting calories. Eating less and losing excess body fat are not compatible. Low-calorie, high-carbohydrate diets generate a series of biochemical signals in your body that will take you out of the balance, making it more difficult to access and utilise stored body fat for energy.

The insulin stimulated by excess carbohydrates in Jane's body can aggressively promote the accumulation of body fat. And the higher the body's insulin levels, the more effectively it prevents fat cells from releasing their stores, and the harder it becomes for Jane to see any pay-off in her weight loss diet. Over the long haul, high insulin levels can lead to insulin resistance and cause Jane serious health problems like accelerated aging, heart disease, and diabetes. Diets high in refined sugars which Jane has cravings for release more insulin thereby allowing less stored fat to be burned. High insulin levels also suppress two important hormones: glucagon and growth hormone. Glucagon promotes the burning of fat and sugar. Growth hormone is used for muscle development and building new muscle mass. Insulin also causes hunger. As blood sugar increases following a carbohydrate meal, insulin rises with the eventual result of lower blood sugar. This results in hunger, often only a couple of hours after the meal. Yearning for sweets can become frequently part of the cycle, causing Jane to resort to bingeing on even more carbohydrates.

The learning gleaned from Jean's paradoxical eat-less-and-get-fatter situation is actually very straightforward: Our body's response to excess carbohydrates in our diet makes us fat. We have a limited capacity to store carbohydrates. Excess carbohydrates, which are fat-free, end up as excess fat in the body.

Source: http://www.benefits-of-honey.com/food-label.html

R. Tan is the owner of the website http://www.benefits-of-honey.com which is a rich honey resource community specially built for all the honey lovers and fans in this world. She has packed this website with a wide range of quality contents on honey based on her knowledge and experience with honey, so as to promote its invaluable benefits which she believes could bring many positive spin-offs in everyone's daily life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruth_Tan

Look at the Evidence of how Hypnosis can Help You Lose Weight!

By Valerie Dawson

A lot of people remain skeptical about the solutions that hypnosis can offer. They know that hypnotherapists claim that their techniques can help you deal with issues like quitting smoking and losing weight but they still can’t quite accept that it could work for them.

This skepticism is generally based on the fact that people realize how hard it can be to do stuff like lose weight and quit smoking. It can be particularly hard to lose weight as it’s all too easy to fall into the yo-yo diet trap. Here you try out a new diet and lose the weight you need – then, you stop the diet and relax and the weight just comes back. Before you know it you’ll be back to square one….

But, with hypnosis this doesn’t need to happen. Many people find it hard to lose weight simply because they view food in the wrong way. They may, for example, view sweet and fatty foods as desirable because they were rewarded with these kinds of foods when they were young and behaved well. Or, they may associate the short rush you get with certain foods with feeling good so they reach for candy when they feel low or stressed.

Hypnosis can simply help you re-program the way your brain feels about food. It can stop your cravings for the wrong food types and introduce cravings for healthy food instead. It can give you the confidence to stick with a healthy eating and exercise plan and it can help you manage the issues you may have with the food you eat.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating – although maybe we should say in the not eating! Take a look at the following examples of how weight loss hypnosis has worked for people just like you….

Karen H. – Karen lost 33lb with Valerie Dawson’s program. In her own words: "The hypnosis allowed me to let go of my old reasons for eating and helped me listen to my appetite."

Mike C. – Mike lost 84lb and finally found a solution to his weight loss issues. He says: "I have been overweight for most of my adult life. I had tried virtually every diet program out there without lasting success over the past 40 years. I can say without hesitation that the hypnosis program with Valerie works."

Sandy N. – Sandy lost 25lb in just 9 weeks. She wasn’t sure whether hypnosis would work but soon changed her mind when she saw the results – "I wasn’t sure about this whole hypnosis thing in the beginning. But now I’m a believer."

Fran M. – Fran lost 30lbs and saw her basic ideas about food change radically – "I found myself reaching for an apple for a snack instead of candy. I think about food in a totally different way now."

Kelsey M. – Kelsey lost 50lb in just 5 months. She found that hypnosis gave her a far more effective solution than fad diets – "I had struggled all my life with my weight problem and had tried every diet out there with no success. The hypnosis has helped me to reprogram the way I think about food and to change my eating habits."

Valerie Dawson, MSW, CHt has been a hypnotherapist for 20 years. She enjoys helping others to modify their thinking and behavior in order to lose weight and keep it off. She offers a free CD: "7 Hidden Secrets to Losing Weight Fast and Easy" which you can order here: http://www.weightlossfreecd.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Attention Weight Loss Enthusiast - Eat, Drink, But Be Wary

By Leisa St Ledger

If only we could lose weight by not doing anything differently. Unfortunately, if we want to be slimmer and healthier, changes must be made, and one of those changes on a weight loss program is saying goodbye to the booze.

But is alcohol really that bad for weight loss? Put simply: yes, but the good news is you don't have to completely eliminate alcohol from your life.

Alcohol is high in calories, it stimulates the appetite, inhibits quality sleep and the body's ability to burn fat efficiently. It also lowers testosterone levels for up to 24 hours after your last drink. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found when eight men were given two vodkas mixed with low calorie lemonade 30 minutes apart, their body lipid oxidation (ability to burn fat) dropped by a massive 73%.

The main problem with alcohol is that most of it is converted into a substance called acetate, which the body burns instead of burning fat as an energy source.

Alcohol also stimulates the appetite, not something that is conducive to weight loss. Researchers from Denmark's Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University found a group of men who ate a meal with alcohol, consumed many more calories of food, than the group who did not have alcohol.

Alcohol also reduced testosterone levels. One heavy drinking session will raise the level of the muscle wasting hormone, cortisol, which increases the breakdown of testosterone.

One gram of alcohol is seven calories, almost as high as fat, which is nine calories a gram. When you consider a gram of protein is only four calories, it is easy to see alcohol is not very good value if you're trying to control your appetite.

If you like a tipple, it's not all bad news though.

A 2004 study in the International Journal of Obesity compared two groups of dieters over three months

Both groups were limited to 1500 calories a day. One group had 150 calories of white wine a day, the other had 150 calories of grape juice a day.

The weight loss of the two groups was 4.7kg, and 3.7kg respectively.

Another US survey found that dieters who abstained from alcohol don't necessarily lose any more weight than those who take a moderate amount.

A small amount of alcohol, particularly red wine, is excellent for lowering stress levels and preventing heart disease.

It seems the role alcohol plays in your life, whether good or bad, boils down to the amount. While a glass is good for the heart, more than two and you'll be doing yourself damage.

If you are trying to lose weight, and would like to have the odd glass of alcohol, limit your intake to one or two glasses a week.

You will also benefit by changing to a lower calorie drink, like wine, or using diet mixers rather than high sugar ones.

Mix your wine with soda water and drink a glass of water in between glasses of alcohol. If you drink to unwind, as most people do, try something else like an easy walk, some meditation, a scented bath or phone a friend if you've had a difficult day.

Confused yet? The short of it is, if you are trying to lose weight don't drink alcohol. If this is too much to bear, limit yourself to one or two drinks a week.

Instead of dwelling on something you can't have, think about your new svelte body when all your hard work has paid off, and remember - it will be worth it!

Yours in health,
Leisa St Ledger

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leisa_St_Ledger

The Obseity Epidemic - Do You Want You Family To Be Fat Or Fit?

By Leisa St Ledger

You would have to have been living under a rock for the past 10 years to not know Australia has a weight problem. You may be overweight yourself, or a member of your household, in fact your child may even be overweight.

The incidence of obesity in Australia is growing at a shocking rate. In a Medical Journal of Australia study in 2000, it was found that of over 11,000 people who had their measurements taken, 60% of them were overweight or obese. That's a lot of fat people.

Why is it so?

There are only two reasons why a person is overweight.

1.) They eat too much.

2.) They move too little.

The worst thing you can do is kid yourself that you have extenuating circumstances, and that neither of the above applies to you.

This is a serious matter. Fat can make your life miserable, lonely and painful. It can leave you feeling unfulfilled, and it can kill you.

Between 1981 and 2000, the incidence of diabetes doubled in Australia - that's incredible.

Our children are fat too. Currently, the most prevalent health issues affecting our children are all preventable - think about that one. They include obesity, dental disease, and emotional and behavioural problems.

Nearly 25% of children are overweight or obese with the rate rising 1% per year. By 2025, half our children will be overweight.

Why are children so fat? The same two reasons adults are. They eat too much, and they don't exercise enough. It's time to be blunt, if you're child is fat, it's most probably your fault. Children do not have access to money unless you give it to them. They do not have access to junk food - unless you give it to them.

Our modern lifestyle

The reasons why we move so little and eat so many calories are many, too many to discuss here. They include our modern sedentary lifestyle of sitting at a desk all day, getting in the car and driving home only to sit in front of the tv before we go to bed.

The Medical Journal of Australia study found a strong correlation between the number of hours spent watching tv and the rate of obesity. It was thought this may be because watching television fosters mindless and continual eating, and sparks cravings for junk food.

We have energy saving devices like remote television controls and garage doors, sometimes in the same house as treadmills and weights??

We do not see where our food comes from, and therefore we do not know what is in it. We live in a society where food is sold not only in restaurants and supermarkets but also; train stations, football games, movie theatres, even outside hardware stores.

We are bombarded with it on television, billboards in glossy magazines and junk mail. Food is big business and the cheaper it can be produced, the larger the profit margin for the companies selling it, and the poorer quality of food we are sold.

What can we do?

There is some good news, however. The Medical Journal of Australia also states that, "Maternal education is the strongest social determinant of overweight and obesity in children." In other words, mothers, and parents, have the power to make their children either healthy, happy and active, or fat and miserable.

Most importantly, parents need to lead by example. If your child sees you tucking into a packet of Tim Tams with no restraint, how will they fathom a different set of rules for themselves?

Before we talk about weight loss and what you can do to get your family back on the straight and narrow, let's talk about junk food.

What is junk food? By definition 'junk food' is food that tastes good, but is high in fat (sugar and chemicals) and has little or no nutritional value.

One of the best tips I have ever heard to jump start a healthy diet is to not eat food if you can't tell what it is made from just by looking at it. Fruit is fruit, but what do you think would be in a jar of that marshmallow stuff you spread on toast, or a Chicken-in-a-biscuit, or French onion dip?

Read the label on these highly processed foods and you will see they are packed with saturated fat, than smothered with either sugar or salty tasting msg.
Here are some tips for making your family fit, not fat.

1. Don't keep junk food in the house. Think about what you are putting in your trolley.

2. If you consider takeaway food to be a treat, have it very occasionally - once every couple of months.

3. Be prepared to cook. This is the only way you will know what you're eating. You can actually buy cookbooks which have recipes that are very fast to prepare.

4. Play games outside with your children. The benefits won't be just physical.

5. Don't reward your children with food.

6. Don't make food such a big deal in the family. Food is fuel, not a hobby.

7. Grow your own pot of tomatoes or lettuce, so your children can see where their food comes from.

8. Turn off the television. You'll be surprised and alarmed at what a loose end the family is at without the mindless sound of television in the background. This won't last for long though.

9. Pack your children's lunches. Lunch money at the average tuckshop will be too much of a temptation for them.

10. Read labels. If you can't understand what is in a product put it down. Invest in a pocket sized food additives book, now available at many supermarkets. Find out what is really in the food you're eating, and do some work on the web to find out what possible affects these additives could have. You might find you don't want them in your system.

Yours in health,
Leisa St Ledger

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leisa_St_Ledger

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lose Weight Fast

By Jennifer Lambatan

The lemonade diet is also know as the master cleanse. This cleanse was originally created by the Nuturapath Stanley Burrough. Although you can lose tons of weight while doing this. There are so much more health benefits to consider. Here's a few.

1. You lose tons of weight quickly

2. It sets your body to a natural ph level

3. It reduce craving,

4. Remove toxin from out body

5. Clean your body digestive tract, kidney and livers.

When toxins accumulate. A number of things can occur. You might notice that your face is a little more puffy. Or that your digestive system is slowing down. These are the smaller problems. But without proper cleanse. These toxins can harm your organs and cause you your health. Don't wait until that happens.

The lemonade diets is use by many celebrity. In fact Beyonce used it and lost a lot of weight for her role in the movie "Dream girls" . The lemonade diet takes just 10 days. And most people who have done it says that they have a lot more energy. They lost a lot of weight and kept it off because they didn't crave junk food like before. And most see an improvement in their overall health.

Cleansing is so important. Many things we eat today are process and pre packaged. Our body is not made to break down the chemicals that is being put in out food. These toxins and heavy metals are causing obesity and disease. When the body is not working properly. Thats when many things goes wrong.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Lambatan

Prescription Drugs For Weight Loss

By Stuart Ward

Most prescription drugs for weight loss work in one of two ways. They either suppress the appetite or reduce the amount of fat absorbed into the body from the foods we eat. Due to some concerns, many medical authorities only recommended their use for a maximum of two years. The primary prescription drugs for weight loss are Meridia, which will suppress the appetite, and Xenical, which reduces the amount of fat absorbed into the body by up to a third.

Although diet pills are not new they are not the preferred choice of treatment for weight loss by doctors and dieticians. A controlled diet and regular exercise are a far better option for the vast majority of persons looking to lose weight. Natural weight loss diets are considered the safest and surest way to lose weight without many uncomfortable side effects and to also prevent any unwanted weight or body fat from returning. As long as you moderately reduce your calorie and fat consumption, you do not have to follow a specific strict diet. Just think healthy eating leads to healthy lifestyle which gains a healthy body.

Apart from following a healthy diet, exercise plays an equally important role in the treatment of weight loss and should form part of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise does not necessarily mean running miles every day or joining a gym. Walking, swimming, cycling or jogging all help to burn calories whilst making the heart and lungs grow stronger. Exercise will help to burn fat stores whilst invigorating the body thus helping you to feel more energized. Exercise, particularly when you begin to see results, will improve your confidence and self esteem.

Resistance training together with a healthy diet, will help to increase your BMI (body mass index) and build muscle which is associated with a higher metabolic rate. The higher your metabolism the more calories your body will consume, even when resting. I strongly believe that a healthy diet and regular strenuous exercise can deliver weight loss that is similar to, or better than using prescription drugs for weight loss. The key is to aim for a more healthy lifestyle for the benefits are worth more than any diet pill.

One important point to consider, the ingredients used in many common prescription drugs for weight loss can disrupt sleep when used long term. Obviously this can have a detrimental effect on your well-being, both mentally and physically. Certain herbs such as dandelion, nettle and green tea are excellent natural alternatives for effective healthy weight loss.

In the short term prescription drugs for weight loss may provide benefits when used properly as part of a weight management program. It's easy to become overwhelmed by the challenges of eating healthy, exercising more, managing stress, and getting enough sleep - all important factors of an effective weight loss program. The key is to aim for a healthy lifestyle for permanent results will surely follow.

To find out more about prescription drugs for weight loss, and to receive a free report on effective weight loss secrets visit http://www.Stuarts-eBooks.com/HealthAndFitness/WeightLossSecrets.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stuart_Ward