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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Stomach Fat - Can You Spot Reduce Through Exercise?

By Claude Anthony

Stomach fat is such a pain. Losing weight all over would be the ideal, but wouldn’t it be great just to get rid of that bulging stomach? Sure it would...you and millions of other people.

So what happens?

You’re sitting there minding your own business and wishing that bulge under your chest would just disappear. Your watching television and a commercial comes on that’s telling you how quickly their which-a-ma-jigger will take that weight off your stomach. They’ve got your attention.

"All right! All I have to do is buy this gadget and I am guaranteed to lose 5 to 20 inches off my waistline, have firm, flat abs, and a flock of interested parties of the opposite sex chasing me down the street or my money back."

Now that doesn’t sound so bad, does it? However, if you have fallen for the latest gadget, thing-a-ma-bob, or which-a-ma-jigger sales pitch and shelled out a good sum of money to buy one, you have been very disappointed.

Weight loss just doesn’t happen that way.

*You Cannot Spot Reduce – It’s Impossible*

Why is it impossible to lose weight wherever you want to?

Because only your body will decide where it wants the weight to come off. And it will only come off when you have a deficit of calories. No you cannot tell your body where to lose the weight, and, yes, those infomercials are lying to you...they just want your money.

*The Only Way You Can Lose Your Stomach Fat (Or Any Other Fat)*

Don’t worry; all is not lost. You can lose that excess stomach, back, hip, and leg fat by taking the following steps:

1. Eat a healthy calorie deficit diet.

Your body requires a certain amount of calories for you to stay the same weight. So, if you take in fewer calories your body will have to burn fat to continue functioning.

2. Create a greater calorie deficit through exercise.

If you are already creating a calorie deficit by receiving less calories, then if you burn more calories through exercise, you will in turn lose even more fat. That’s a good thing.

3. Increase your metabolism through weight-resistant exercise.

Relax ladies, I don’t mean you have to lift weights until you look like a man. Just firm those muscles up to make them more efficient fat-burning machines. You see, firm muscles will raise your metabolism so that you will burn calories even while you rest.

Take the advice above and, in time, you will lose weight, unwanted stomach fat, and fat everywhere else. And you will become a more fit, healthier and slimmer you through the process.

For more tips and information on weight loss programs, quick weight loss, diets, weight loss exercise, and more, go to my Slimmer You Weight Loss Tips web site at http://www.slimmer-you-weight-loss-tips.com .

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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