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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How to Lose 10% Body Fat And Keep It Off For Good

By Jason Oh

Whether you want to reduce your body fat by 10% or more for a flatter stomach or for great abs, you need to eat right and have a properly designed workout to stimulate your fat burning hormones.

Without the 2 combinations, you just can't lose the body fat in a healthy manner. Hence the first step you need to do is, acknowledge that you need to get your nutrition in order, and then start working out.

Below are just some great tips on how to lose 10% body fat -

1. Get Real - Don't set unrealistic goals from the start. You can't expect to shed 10 pounds in a week - it's like training for a marathon from scratch one day and expect to run it the next. The best way to achieve your ultimate goal is to set a series of smaller, progressive goals, and reward yourself for achieving each one. Slow and steady is always the healthiest, and the most effective approach.

2. Be Aware of Trans Fat - We need healthy fat in our diet, but this is the worst kind of fat you should avoid. Trans fat is mainly found in liquid vegetable oils, and is used in spreads like margarine and cooking fats for deep frying and shortening for baking. Studies show that it increases the risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes, raises the bad cholesterol levels whilst lowering the good cholesterol, and increases your body fat.

3. Make meals more satisfying by including two to four portions of high protein foods (like poultry, fish, low fat dairy foods, beans, eggs and tofu) daily. But don't overdo it - eating more protein than you need won't help you lose weight faster. Comes down to eating in moderation.

4. Your Workouts need both consistency and variability for maximum results. Just workout once a month will not help much, but if you can get into a routine of 3 to 4 times a week, the results will pay off. And make sure the workouts are highly intensive and challenging.

5. Never Stop Challenging Your Body - Every week, mix it up - create new routine by varying the moves, the intensity, the number of reps and sets. No point to do hundreds of reps that a child can do - just make it worthwhile to work the body more. For your body to keep changing, your workouts have to keep changing too.

For More Fat Slashing Tips How to Lose 10% Body Fat, Visit The Truth About Six Pack Abs Now For a FREE eBook on "Training And Nutrition: Insider Secrets for a Lean Body" And Discover Fat Blasting Tips on How to Get Quick Abs

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Monday, June 23, 2008

Loose Weight Gain Self Confidence

By Ricky Hussey

The ECA stack is a drug combination that is mainly consumed for reducing weight and as well acts as a power booster. ECA is another name used for caffeine, ephedrine and aspirin. The major element in ECA for both fat burning and energy increment is ephedrine. Even though it is an efficient drug, but after combining it with caffeine makes it much more effective. When used cleverly it can to a great extent improve the pace of fat burning procedure.

Along with the fat burning process the diet pills will attempt to burn one's muscles. The best method to get rid of this is to take more and more of proteins. It is as well considered to reduce the hunger and help out in weight reduction. But, these effects only last for few weeks.

It acts as energy booster by directly affecting the brain and brain reacts to add to the discharge of noradrenalin. ECA stack is consumed 2 or 3 times every day with ephedrine, aspirin and caffeine ratio being 1:10:10 or 1:15:10. These proportions might differ from one user to other. In a single dosage the quantity of ephedrine must not go beyond 25 mg, caffeine must not go over 200 mg and aspirin must not go beyond 325 mg.

It is actually significant to make use of ephedra diet pills cleverly or wisely. Therefore prior to using any diet plan or consuming any diet supplements you ought to concern a doctor. Ephedrine is considered to be the most important element in the weight reduction medicines. Ephedrine is extracted from an herb called Ephedra. All the diet medicines having Ephedrine are relatively identified as Ephedra diet pills. However some of these drugs also have elements like aspirin and caffeine. Ephedrine is as well a suppressant which reduces hunger. As consuming weight reduction medicines has turn out to be the order of the day, the medicines containing ephedrine are put up for sale under a variety of brand names. A few of the well-known brands are Metabolife, MeTrim, Adiiphen, Thyro -slim and natural Trim and Lipodrene.

The diet pills must be used in control. The final purpose of these medicines is to assist in speeding the metabolism. Ephedra doesn’t act as a fat dissolver but it aids to burn the calories by raising the heartbeat rate and improving the circulation of blood all through the human body.

Femnutrition is one of the United States leading Diet Pills website. First established in June 2004, its mission is to become the number one site for ECA Stack searches.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stomach Exercises to Eliminate Belly Fat

By Janet Somer

Now that spring seems to finally be back in our lives, many people are concerned about losing those few extra pounds of chub which stand between them and a sculpted midriff. Those folks who let themselves go a little in the winter months may be working overtime now that it is April and thoughts of bikinis are dancing in their heads. The good news is that there are, of course, stomach exercises to speed along the process. Some are better than others, including these few, which are good specifically for trimming belly fat. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Hip Lift

For this stomach exercise, you will need to lie on your back on a flat surface, such as the floor. Use a mat or towel to cushion your spine. Put your arms at your sides with palms facing up to the ceiling. Put your legs straight up in the air so that the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling and your legs make about a ninety degree angle with your torso. Keep your knees unbent and as straight as possible. Now, contract your ab muscles so that it feels like your belly button is being pulled toward your spine, while at the same time gently lifting your hips off the floor. Raise your hips to height of a few inches, keeping your legs extended straight upward. Hold this position, then slowly lower your hips back to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.

Seated Torso Twist

Stay on the floor for this stomach exercise, getting into a seated position. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Position your feet about hip width apart. Extend your arms straight out in front of you, interlocking your fingers. Contract your abdominals and lean back about forty-five degrees. Holding the contraction, rotate your torso as far to one side as you are comfortably able. Use your abdominals to control this motion so that your upper body moves at once, do not lead with your arms. Remember to keep your arms in from of you with fingers locked-- pretend you are aiming an imaginary gun. Once you have rotated as far as you feel comfortable, rotate back to center, then to the other side. Repeat these steps for an entire set. Take care to go slow and keep a controlled movement. Do not allow your momentum to twist you.

To learn more about treadmills, including treadmill exercises and hiit training, visit http://www.treadmilluse.com.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Stomach Fat - Can You Spot Reduce Through Exercise?

By Claude Anthony

Stomach fat is such a pain. Losing weight all over would be the ideal, but wouldn’t it be great just to get rid of that bulging stomach? Sure it would...you and millions of other people.

So what happens?

You’re sitting there minding your own business and wishing that bulge under your chest would just disappear. Your watching television and a commercial comes on that’s telling you how quickly their which-a-ma-jigger will take that weight off your stomach. They’ve got your attention.

"All right! All I have to do is buy this gadget and I am guaranteed to lose 5 to 20 inches off my waistline, have firm, flat abs, and a flock of interested parties of the opposite sex chasing me down the street or my money back."

Now that doesn’t sound so bad, does it? However, if you have fallen for the latest gadget, thing-a-ma-bob, or which-a-ma-jigger sales pitch and shelled out a good sum of money to buy one, you have been very disappointed.

Weight loss just doesn’t happen that way.

*You Cannot Spot Reduce – It’s Impossible*

Why is it impossible to lose weight wherever you want to?

Because only your body will decide where it wants the weight to come off. And it will only come off when you have a deficit of calories. No you cannot tell your body where to lose the weight, and, yes, those infomercials are lying to you...they just want your money.

*The Only Way You Can Lose Your Stomach Fat (Or Any Other Fat)*

Don’t worry; all is not lost. You can lose that excess stomach, back, hip, and leg fat by taking the following steps:

1. Eat a healthy calorie deficit diet.

Your body requires a certain amount of calories for you to stay the same weight. So, if you take in fewer calories your body will have to burn fat to continue functioning.

2. Create a greater calorie deficit through exercise.

If you are already creating a calorie deficit by receiving less calories, then if you burn more calories through exercise, you will in turn lose even more fat. That’s a good thing.

3. Increase your metabolism through weight-resistant exercise.

Relax ladies, I don’t mean you have to lift weights until you look like a man. Just firm those muscles up to make them more efficient fat-burning machines. You see, firm muscles will raise your metabolism so that you will burn calories even while you rest.

Take the advice above and, in time, you will lose weight, unwanted stomach fat, and fat everywhere else. And you will become a more fit, healthier and slimmer you through the process.

For more tips and information on weight loss programs, quick weight loss, diets, weight loss exercise, and more, go to my Slimmer You Weight Loss Tips web site at http://www.slimmer-you-weight-loss-tips.com .

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Friday, June 20, 2008

How to Select the Best Weight Reduction Plan

By Larry Argente

Overweight or obesity is an epidemic in the United States and in other developed countries. More than half of Americans are overweight—including at least 1 in 5 children. Nearly one third are obese. Obesity is on the rise in our society because food is abundant and physical activity is optional.

For most people who are overweight or obese, the safest and most effective way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. If you eat less and exercise more, you will lose weight. As simple as that may be, there are multitudes of weight loss programs available and thus a bit confusing. To help you sort things out, below are steps you can use as guide in evaluating the program you may like to use:

1. Check What Weight Loss Programs Are Available. a. Use the Internet to search for available weight loss programs.

b. Ask your friends what experiences they had with whatever weight loss program they have already taken.

c. The FTC report (Red Flag Bogus Weight Loss Claims) was released to help the public identify products that use fraudulent weight loss claims in their advertisement. Following are the seven warnings of the report. Use this list in discounting programs that have these characteristics. i. Products that claim you can lose two or more pounds per week without dieting and exercise. ii. Products that claim you can eat whatever you want and however much you want with no limits. iii. Products that claim your weight loss will be permanent even after you stop using the product. iv. Products that claim they will block absorption of calories or fat and lead to substantial weight loss. v. Products that claim you can safely lose more than three pounds a week for more than four weeks at a time. vi. Products that claim all users will lose substantial weight. No product can work for everyone. vii. Products that are worn on the body or rubbed on the skin will cause substantial weight loss.

2. Find out about Cost a. Obtain a detailed price breakdown of the program to include any weekly, monthly or annual membership or program fees. If you are considering a program that provides food, ask for the average cost for a month's meals as well as additional food you must buy at the store.

3. Ask About Food and Exercise a. Determine details about what foods the program uses and the number of calories you will be eating every day. Determine if the program encourages increased physical activity like exercise. Any weight reduction plan that promises permanent weight loss without changing how you eat or increasing your physical activity is a scam.

b. A healthy weight-loss program will encourage you to follow the government's Nutrition Guidelines for Americans, which includes at least five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, grains, lean meats and low-fat or non-fat dairy.

4. Ask About the Qualification of Staff a. Ask if the program includes assistance from staff or counselors. If it is provided, find out about their training and credentials. Ask about what you can expect from them such as what type of help you'll receive (one-on-one or group support). Make sure to determine how often counseling or group support will be provided.

5. Make sure that enough calories are provided a. Avoid any plan that encourages a drastic decrease in caloric intake. You will do best when you reduce your usual calorie intake and/or increase the number of burned calories by about 500 calories every day. You probably will not be able to cut or burn more than 1,000 calories a day than you are used to without feeling weak or overly-hungry.

b. A diet of 1,500 calories or less should be followed only with the approval of your doctor. No one should follow a diet containing 1,200 calories or less unless under medical supervision.

c. A calorie deficit of 500 calories a day allows you to lose about one pound each week; 1,000 calories cut each day will lead to a two pound weekly weight loss. Losing more than two pounds a week is not recommended.

6. Ask About Possible Side Effects a. Be sure to ask about any potential side effects or risks that a weight loss plan may pose. Do participants talk with a medical professional? Does a medical professional oversee the program? Will the program providers work with your personal health care provider if you have a medical condition or are taking prescribed medications?

b. Check with your doctor before you take weight-loss pills, even if they are over the counter. Dietary supplements should also be reviewed with your doctor as he/she is aware of all medications you take and potential interactions.

c. Never participate in a weight-loss program that promotes questionable activities such as fasting, purging, or over-using laxatives.

d. Consult with your doctor before deciding on a weight loss plan.

7. Ask for References a. Lastly, ask for contact information of three persons who had already taken the program. Call them up to ask their experience with the plan. What results did they have? How much weight did they lose and how long have they kept off all or part of their weight? Armed with this information you should be better equipped to avoid anyone touting empty promises or those that can't sustain long term results.

Important: Make sure you research on weight loss programs by reading articles about the subject. The website link below is a good starting point.

Copyright (c) 2008 Larry Argente

Larry Argente researches and writes about health issues to help others live healthier lives. As a first step in your search for available weight loss programs, head to the website link below. The website also contains a lot of informative weight loss articles. => http://weightlossreferenceguide.com/

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Thursday, June 19, 2008

3 Powerful Ways To Speed Up Your Metabolism And Weight Loss

By Claude Anthony

"Oh-oh, my metabolism is drooping, that means weight gain." How about using metabolism boosters to get that metabolism up to where it helps you lose weight instead of to gain it?

Metabolism boosters are not some kind of pill. They are anything that will speed up your metabolic rate (the speed at which your body burns calories).

You want a faster metabolism because the faster your body burns calories, the more weight and fat you lose. That’s a good thing.

In other words, fat is created by the extra calories that your body does not burn through activity. If you use more calories than consume, then your body is forced to burn fat (instead of store it) in order to function. That is what causes weight and fat loss.

Almost everybody already knows that you need a good diet and weight-loss exercise program to really lose weight.

However, most people don’t realize that a good way to lose weight quicker is to speed up your metabolism. Once you have a fast metabolism, it will be easier to lose weight. A faster metabolism causes the body to burn fat, even while you are sleeping.

Okay, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.

*3 Ways To Increase Your Metabolic Rate*

1. Stay physically active.

Activity is a great metabolism booster...it increases your metabolic rate naturally. We were not created to be couch potatoes. Our bodies were made to move and be active.

Why is our nation having these incredible weight and health problems that didn’t exist a century ago? What’s the difference between how we live now and how they lived then? We have become a sitting and watching society instead of a moving and participating society. So keep your body moving for faster and healthier weight loss.

Exercise increases muscle tone and burns calories at the same time. A good exercise program will increase your metabolic rate, and your health.

Proper weight-resistant exercises are great metabolism boosters for both men and women. Many women are afraid that if they use weights they will end up looking manly. But you don’t have to worry about that. You were not designed to have big muscles like a man. Women who do are exercising excessively and may be taking a little something to get those large muscles.

Firmer muscles will turn your body into a fat-burning machine...even while you sleep. Did you know that, on the average, a pound of muscle burns approximately 50 calories a day compared to a pound of body fat that burns only around 2 calories a day.

2. Avoid refined sugar.

We all know that, if you are trying to lose weight, refined sugar and simple carbohydrates equal weight-loss suicide. However, did you know that they also cause extra damage to your weight-loss efforts through the slowing of your metabolism?

So, replace refined sugar with healthy carbohydrates:

Wild rice
Brown rice
Whole wheat (not too much)

3. Eat a good metabolism-booster breakfast.

Start your day right with a metabolism-booster breakfast. Here’s what I do:

My daily breakfast includes oatmeal with dried cranberries (no sugar) and egg whites. I have been eating this way for years and always have a high energy level. Some people would get bored with a breakfast like that, but I enjoy the benefits too much to give it up.

Well, I do cheat...but just a little. I eat eggs, hash browns, and biscuits and gravy once a week when my wife and I go out to breakfast after church. I have such a high metabolism through regular exercise and eating right that my occasional "binges" don’t cause me any problems. And I enjoy them.

The above information should give you a good start on increasing your metabolism. Just stick in there and never give up! You will win the weight-loss battle. Best wishes for faster and healthier weight loss.

For more tips and information on weight loss programs, quick weight loss, diets, weight loss exercise, and more, go to my Slimmer You Weight Loss Tips web site at http://www.slimmer-you-weight-loss-tips.com .

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Weight Gain And Stress Are Inter-Related

By Ricky Hussey

It has been found that women are at a higher risk of gaining weight as compared to men. The body mass index or (BMI) has been found to be high particularly in women due to stress eating.

Our body has a hormone called cortisol that largely contributes to weight related issues, particularly around the abdominal region. Excess of this hormone maybe the reason for the slow metabolism and the culprit behind your weight gain.

The tendency to eat food that is high in fats and calories is also one of the reasons for poor metabolism of the body. Though cortisol is directly connected for all those extra pounds it is not advisable to eat pills to prevent weight gain due to cortisol. There are no pills or for that matter diet to control your weight until and unless you decide to follow a healthy diet followed by a strict regime of exercises.

Lack of emotional support as you know is directly linked to women's tendency to over eat, firstly it becomes important that they build their own support group network this can be in the form of a weight loss program or it might be to get the support of your friend or relative who will help you to over come this habit to over eat due to stress.

Weight loss program can be in the form of a strict diet along with a systematic exercise regime or a daily brisk 5-minute walk. Try to get involved in activities or hobbies of your choice so that you can get out of this habit to stress eat and thus loose weight.

Regular exercise has proved to be the best stress busters as well as the most effective medicine for a weight loss program. Regular exercises help to control the cortisol level in the body thus helping you alleviate depression.

You could go in for relaxation exercises that will relieve the stress level and the best relaxation exercise can be in the form of deep breathing and meditation, you could also relax with physical activities like tai chi or yoga.

Whatever may be the reason to lose weight depends upon the mind of a person and the more self confident a person is the more he or she will take care of his or her body. Self help is the best help in any weight loss program.

Discover where to buy the best weight loss pills and hoodia diet pills for quick weight loss.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Weight Loss Tips - Live a healthy lifestyle

By Robert Thomson

Obesity is one of the biggest problems faced by millions of people in America. This has resulted in a big weight loss corporate industry in the country like Weight watchers, Jenny Carig and many others. Although there are good programs, I feel people can themselves do quite a bit to reduce their weight. The two major factors in weight loss are exercise and controlled diet. I have put together several points which will be useful to individuals looking to reduce their weight.

1. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Most fruits are low in calories and make you full sooner. Not to mention the other vitamins and fibers they also contain.

2. Read those nutrition fact labels: It is a good idea to know how many calories you are consuming. Some foods combo's can be deceptive, for example if you are having a plate of salad topped with lot of high calorie dressing and a soda, they you have just had more calories then you might get from a combination of grilled chicken sandwich (with no cheese and dressing) plus diet soda. So be smart with what you eat. Prefer home cooked food as much as possible.

3. Eating smaller frequent meals will also help you cut down the total intake of calories compared to 3 big meals a day.

4. Give yourself a break: Being too restrictive can anyway demotivate you, so to give yourself regular breaks. But do not over-eat at the same time, be conservative and try to make up for it in other meals.

5. Drinks: Soda, juice, cream are all loaded with sugars which we usually do not account into out diet plan. Drink water instead.

6. Exercise: Do not always depend on your car for everything, walk wherever you can. Go hiking and those backpacks help to burn extra calories. Make friends who have a active lifestyle, join gym or get a treadmill in your home. Remember to increase your exercise in a progressive manner day by day instead of doing strenuous exercise from day one. Be practical on what your body can take and avoid overexertion.

7. Get motivation: Talk to people who have had success in weight loss and they will give you a lot of inspiration.

8. Get enough sleep, reduce stress and live happy.

9. Reward yourself when you reach your monthly weight loss milestones.

10. Never give up, even if you have failed a few times previously.

11. Eating slowly can lead to weight loss: Did you ever notice that thin people take an awfully long time to eat their food? Eating slowly is one method that can help take off pounds. That's because from the time you begin eating it takes the brain 20 minutes to start signaling feelings of fullness. Fast eaters often eat beyond their true level of fullness before the 20 minute signal has had a chance to set in. The amount of calories consumed before you begin to feel full can vary significantly depending on how quickly you eat. So slow down, take smaller bites and enjoy and savor every tasty morsel.

I am not an expert so it is advisable to consult your doctor before starting any weight loss effort and they will also tell you if you have any medical condition that may prevent you to follow these tips.

Robert is an author and likes to write weight loss articles on the internet. He also likes to submit articles and encourages others to do so.

Article Source: http://www.articleclick.com/Article/Weight-Loss-Tips---Live-a-healthy-lifestyle/998108

Bad Cholesterol - Great Resources

By Paul Zayer

It's difficult to believe that your body actually needs it when cholesterol gets so much bad press. There are two kinds of cholesterol in your body, good cholesterol also known as HDL cholesterol, and bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol. In your body, cholesterol is needed to create hormones, vitamin D and bile salts.

On the other hand, the bad cholesterol could cause you many inconveniences. The main worry with LDL cholesterol is that it could deposit cholesterol onto artery walls that will create plaque. The plaque in turn will make the arteries to narrow and then block. This might be the cause of blood flow to be blocked, which is bad news for your heart.

There are many confusing terms being thrown around when it comes to cholesterol. One of those terms is dietary cholesterol. You might think that all dietary cholesterol is bad, but in fact dietary cholesterol does not raise blood cholesterol as high as you could think. The two bad guys here are saturated fats and trans fatty acids.

So when you think about cholesterol problems what you want to do is reduce your levels of bad cholesterol. A very good way to do this is by changing your diets. Besides reducing foods with bad cholesterol such as meat, eggs, dairy and seafood, you can also eat various foods that will reduce LDL levels.

Trans fatty acids are found in many packaged food. Microwave popcorn, hard stick margarine and several French fries from some fast food chains are all responsible. You can lower down your consumption of trans fatty acids that will all contribute to the level of bad cholesterol in your body, by eliminating these foods or finding better substitutes.

You can augment the quantity of good cholesterol in your body while reducing the bad cholesterol. The reason for this is that the presence of good cholesterol in your body means that surplus of cholesterol will return to the liver to be expulsed out of your body. This indicates you need plenty of good cholesterol because high levels of good cholesterol means a reduced risk of heart disease.

Lifestyle modifications such as eating foods that have soluble fiber and monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats will assist to augment good cholesterol levels. You can also increase the time you spent on physical activity in your every day life to decrease cholesterol levels. Limiting alcohol intake to one glass a day for women and two a day for men is also a great idea.

This well known writer is an Internet lover and undoubtedly enjoys sharing his information with others. Read more now about Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol review at his web site www.cholesterolinformationandsolution.com

Article Source: http://www.articleclick.com/Article/Bad-Cholesterol---Great-Resources/999440